Psicóloga General Sanitaria y Psicoterapeuta Col. No. 19644

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I've always thought that all people are unique -each of us following our own particular path, and each of us with the resilience that pushes us toward life.

I'm always trying to understand the complexity of the human  being we can become. With patience, I walk alongside of processes that can be both subtle yet intense.

Confidence -both in the therapeutic process as well as within the patient -is fundamental, as it lends balance to the person  as they work to recover their own capacity for living a life of pleasure and authenticity.

All of that without forgetting ourselves or our own essence, which is nuanced by moments of darkness and light that come and go as part of the whole human condition.

The therapy I offer is grounded in the work of Wilhelm Reich and is known as Reichian body-oriented psychotherapy. I also  base my work on the systems of Federico Navarro and Xavier Serrano, two well-known and respected bodypsichotherapists from SE.OR. 

On a personal level, my work has been driven by my own experience with vegetotherapy (deep body psychotherapy) for the last 11 years, which has been enabled me to grow my knowledge and understanding of the process  as well as define my own personal limits and limitations.

I consider myself a life and freedom lover. I enjoy my work and I learn every day from my patients.

Since I was a child, I have always felt  that listening has been my vocation; the kind of  listening that allows one's soul to synchronize with another's, which I hold among my most valuable possetions.

I offer my service in English, Spanish, Catalan and Italian.